We at Shrink are geeked over the newest addition to the Shrink roster. Brian Lichtenberg is here! Well the first shipment anyway and there's more to come. Be the first to get his leggings and tanks ladies.
As you may not know the Shrink team is a bunch of nerds and we have the breakfast to prove it. What is it? Flax bread and soy lattes from Starbucks. But you got to get it toasted. See it's possible to be cool and healthy, right?
What better way to start our blog than with pics from our launch party! Titled Pops and Paps(Champagne and Paparazzi for you squares) we came, we posed, we partied, all in the name of retail therapy and bubbly. Thanks to Soledad Designs and Jean-o-type for representin too.
Shrinkboutique is a Chicago-based online store. The concept of Shrinkboutique.com lies in its desire to offer clothing and accessories for men and women that express a contrast in style that's part haute, part hood. We aim to not promote or produce a style, rather complement the style you already own. We carry current season streetwear, designer sportswear and ready-to-wear that express a global, urban aesthetic.